The Journal Projects

Four projects

The Journal Projects: From 2003-16 work revolved around four distinct projects. All involved considerable travels facilitated by fellowships and residences and funding from the Arts Council. Each project involved a process of documentation and interpretation in the field. Frequently the work involved collaborations with science groups from the UK, USA and Norway.

The resulting work from each project was shown in leading museums and public art galleries and was accompanied by a publication.

Due South

‘Due South: an Antarctic Journal’ resulted from a fellowship with the British Antarctic Survey and led to the exhibition and publication of journals that was first shown at the National History Museum in 2004. The exhibition was a portrayal of living and working within Antarctica, consisting of visual diaries, lens-based work
and ‘forensic’ pieces. Subsequently, the exhibition has toured and continues to tour to a number of leading museums. The next show will be at Peninsula Arts in Plymouth, where Landscapes of Exploration will celebrate the Scott Centenary.

Flood Cycle

‘Flood Cycle: Notes from a Changing Planet’ focused upon the effects of climate change as seen predominantly in the Arctic region, and was made possible by a number of fellowships and international residencies including the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium of the US. Journeys to Alaska, Svalbard and Finland led to a further development of the recording of the landscape through drawing and ‘forensic’ enquiry. The exhibition and publication of ‘Flood Cycle’ opened at the Scott Polar Research Institute in 2009 and is subsequently touring a number of museums and public galleries. In 2016 the work was shown at the Forum in Norwich.

The Sea Book

The Sea Book and drawings aboard ships resulted from two journeys. In 2013 a journey to the far north with the Norwegian Polar Research Institute on board RV Lance and in 2014 a journey to the Antarctic peninsular with the Scott Polar Research Institute on board HMS Protector provided the basis of this work that was featured at the National Maritime Museum. The drawings were shown at Bonham's of London as part of the Great White South exhibition in 2016.
The Sea Book published by Modus Books.

Re-defining the Sublime

2020 signalled a return to the impacts of climate change. With the increase of 'extreme weather' events, a new iunderstanding of the 'sublime' has replaced that of the industrial age. Subsequently, atmospheric phenomena including the rapid intensification of storms amid the rising energy of weather systems are displaying a 'new world' with its own 'sublime moments'.

An Anthology

Published in the Netherlands in 2022. Details to follow.